Top 10 Reasons To Buy Biometric Based School Visitor Management Software
Biometric-based visitor management system is the system that identifies, authenticate and manage visitor through their biometrics. If you are following those old age paper log system to manage your visitors, it is high time you should deploy biometric-based visitor management software for your school. If you are thinking why here is the top 10 reason to implement such software for your school.
1. Utmost Security
When it comes to security biometric is the state of the art technology for everyone. Biometrics such as fingerprint comes with the unique features that cannot be manipulated or changed. Unique means your security will always be at the highest standard. In traditional paper log system an intruder can fake their name and details, but in biometric, it is impossible because their unique biometrics will prove their ID. Resulting ensures high security in the school premises.
2. Convenient
Biometric-based visitor management software is comfortable to use. It is easy to install, easy to manage and easy to identify the intruder and make your work convenient.
3. Ease in Management
Those days are gone where you have to go through hundreds of log book to find out one specific information. Biometric school, visitor management software, makes these task so easy. All your data will be stored in the system, so whenever you need them, you can access them within a minute. Your management process will become so simple which was once a nightmare for you.
4. Give You Full Control Over Offenders
Yes! You heard it right, and only biometric-based visitor management software can give you full control over your offenders. You can blacklist your offenders and restrict their entries into your school premises. Resulting no offenders can access your school premises even if they disguise themselves.
5. Saves your Extra Cost
Reusable visitor badge is costly, can be manipulated or fraud. On the other hand, the biometric-based visitor management software can give a digital pin to your visitor which required no money. Means you can save those extra costs on making a plastic id.
6. Improved Return On Investment (ROI)
Biometric-based visitor management software reduces extra administrative cost, and prevent fraud and misuse. As a result, your ROI will be much higher with a biometric visitor management software.
7. Enhance your Reputation
Using biometric-based visitor management software will make your school stand out in the town. All over the town and city will know, you leave no stone unturned to keep your school safe. Undoubtedly this will enhance your school reputation and will build trust among the parents.
8. Increase Accountability
Only biometric-based visitor management system can give you detailed and precise information of your visitor. You can check visitor’s entry time, exit time, duration of their stay and more. Moreover, you can get all this information effortlessly.
9. Increase Productivity
Biometric-based visitor management system can bring operational efficiency in your school. It makes everything easy and faster, and your staff can act promptly, it can make your work effortless and smooth. In short, it will increase productivity in your school staffs.
10. Peace of Mind
Biometric-based visitor management software can keep you from all unwanted stress regarding security because through biometric, this software can save your school, and can keep your student safe from an unwelcome intruder.
If you want to deploy cutting-edge software for your school try VisitorTrack™. It comes with all the features to ensure safety for your school.