How To Shorten Government Software Development Time

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The trend of using local and municipal governments to apply effective eGovernance solutions to serve the public faster and better is currently on the rise. This shows that technology is still affecting the way the government works. However, putting these changes into place has been hard due to the increased development time and cost. Governments around the world are looking for ways to shorten government software development time, but no accurate solution has been farfetched until now.

The Importance of Government Software

Software solutions have so much potential, but many cities and town governments don’t even know about them. Even though some people may have already digitized their processes, they are still unaware of why they should use software solutions. Here are the reasons why they are important for governments.

Increase Productivity

Data is a key part of the way the government works and makes things run more smoothly. Using software helps organize, prioritize, and categorize data so that it is easy for the right people to find. This increases productivity and helps the organization grow over time.

Better Collaboration

By using software solutions, different parts of the government can better work together as the teams can share information from anywhere, at any time. You can also automate the processes and workflows to make things run better and get more done.

Decision Making

When making decisions, governments often have to deal with many things at once. Using software solutions for virtual meetings, training, orientations, school board governance, and other management tasks can simplify and speed up this process.

Shorten Government Software Development

A project’s implementation lifecycle can’t be compared to an e-government project’s lifecycle. No matter how clearly defined an e-Governance project is, system integrators very often run into problems. The lifecycle of an e-Governance project usually comprises six stages. We will not dive deep into what the stages are as that is not our concern for this article. Rather, let’s first discuss why government projects get delayed.

Diverse Specifications
Most government projects have a long list of rules to follow. The government agency itself may not know all of the requirements since the needs change often depending on the situation. This makes projects that were already complicated ten times harder.

The Use of Biometrics
Adding biometrics is one of the most complicated parts of government projects. Apart from the resources needed for using biometrics, the use of different matching engines and biometric scanners creates lots of dependencies.  

Complex Programming 

As codes must be written in many different languages, it makes the learning curve very steep. In the end, the project gets put off or never gets finished due to the need for web applications, mobile apps, and even desktop software that will work with biometrics. 

The eGov Platform by M2SYS

M2SYS came up with the eGovernance solutions after considering all the challenges related to government projects. Focused on developing and least-developed countries, the eGov platform brings technological improvements to the way state agencies work without making software development harder and without putting security issues on display. Using this unique platform, you can easily shorten government project development time.  

Existing Applications 

The M2SYS eGovernance solutions include numerous pre-built government AI solutions that can be customized to meet the requirements of any government agency. The customization only takes 1-2 days, and the solutions cover most of the government services for citizens, as well as those for law enforcement and the military.

Easy Learning Curve

The M2SYS eGov platform makes it possible to incorporate any external system or service, including biometric authentication. With an API, data can be pulled from the eGov app without having to do a lot of complicated coding.

No Coding Required
The eGov platform comes with both web and mobile apps, so you don’t have to learn different programming languages to have corresponding web and mobile applications. Using drag and drop, you can also create your own application. 

You might take this as self-advertising, but there is no other way to have personalized government software without a long development time without the eGov platform. Contact us and tell us what your requirements are, and we will provide you with a free demo.

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