Egypt Implement Airport Fingerprint Scanner to Improve Security

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Egypt has deployed fingerprint scanners to improve security measures in airports. The installment process was recommended by Russian experts following an incident that took place in October 2015.

Russia suspended all flights to Egypt following an accident that happened in the Sinai Peninsula that caused the death of 224 people on board. The plane took off from the Egyptian resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg in Russia. To resume the flights between these two countries, Egypt accepted Moscow’s plan to implement biometric technology in the airports to increase security.

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Mohamed Mahrous, chairperson of the Egyptian Holding Company for Airports and Air Navigation, said that the Russian authority requested them to implement biometric access systems to track the arrival and departure of airport staff as well as inspect employees when entering the airports.

“Any further comments from the Russian side will represent a surprise for us,” Mahrous expressed.

Russia’s Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov said that Russian aviation specialists would inspect security measures at Egypt’s airports, including Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh, and Hurghada airports.

Though this isn’t the first example of using an airport fingerprint scanner to protect airport security, it continues the trend of many countries adopting this technology to improve security at airports.

M2SYS Technology, a biometric company with over 15 years of experience in deploying biometric solutions all around the world, has a product made for countries like Egypt and Russia called SecuredPASS™. M2SYS SecuredPASS™ can quickly and accurately confirm traveler identity to verify that someone is who they claim to be.

As an example, Iraqi Border Patrol Security has deployed M2SYS’  border control solution to increase security. As biometrics becomes more prevalent in the market more countries will follow the lead of Egypt and Russia to ensure passenger safety.

M2SYS eGov Border Management System is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline and strengthen your borders. We empower you to achieve fast, secure, and smooth border crossings at airports, seaports, and land ports, all while adhering to the principles of Integrated Border Management.

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  • Maintain a secure border while facilitating legitimate travel

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Source: aswatmasriya

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Mehedi Hassan

Digital Marketing Executive at M2SYS Technology
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Mehedi Hassan

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