Reduce Developer Dependency On Government Digitization Projects

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For government software projects, vendors heavily rely on outsourcing a substantial portion of the project. When developers create software, the final product hardly meets the requirement. Therefore, the government project is delayed or possibly canceled. Creating hand-coded solutions for each government contract is time-consuming, dangerous, and expensive for system integrators, in addition to being dependent on the developer.

When we discuss dependency, several component dependencies can include certain OS versions, application servers, database servers, or integration issues. But some dependencies are complex; government projects frequently require integration with biometric hardware and matching servers. Developers often fail to deliver the project requirements because biometrics itself is complicated.

Understanding the Dependencies

There are several levels of dependencies. At its most fundamental level, a dependency might only include file sharing and network communication and have no connection to the software at all. Common high-level dependencies include operating systems and web servers. When government agencies fail to deliver the project due to dependencies, the project might remain unfinished. When developers combine the full project, they face different unwanted problems. Those issues may cause vendor locks on government projects.

M2SYS eGov is the Solution

M2sys eGov platform is an experienced, dependable, and capable platform for delivering government solutions. M2sys eGov platform can be easily configured to any software solution according to the agency’s requirements, reducing the development cycle by 95% and saving a hefty amount of money. The biggest advantage of the eGov platform is that it eliminates manual and complex software development. This one-of-a-kind platform works as an operating system to shorten the time it takes for government projects to be finished and eliminate risky application maintenance. eGov platform makes it possible for government agencies to become more digital by giving them access to new technologies without requiring risky software development or exposing security holes. eGov is an AI-based system that doesn’t require any coding. It makes it easier to optimize workflow and puts data right in customers’ hands through native apps and cloud solutions.

eGov Platform Is Open for All

M2SYS eGov works like an operating system to connect any ABIS, biometric device, or third-party system to custom applications. With eGov, partners can work together to make complete solutions that speedily finish government projects. System integrators can finish their government project by connecting any existing system with the eGov platform. When governments deal with scanner integration, this is where the project fails the most. Integrating with the scanner isn’t easy unless it’s through eGov platform. M2SYS Egov platform can be easily integrated into any government project. M2SYS eGov platform connects any ABIS solution seamlessly and without any learning curve, reducing delays in government contracts.

Who We Are

M2SYS is a globally recognized digital transformation and citizen identification technology firm. Our software has been used for thousands of projects across a wide range of industries, including the government and commercial sectors. Our eGov platform innovation enables us and our partners to rapidly deliver customized web and mobile apps at a very affordable price point. Contact us today for more information

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